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Headlight Restoration

Brighter Nights!

  • 200 US dollars

Service Description

Let Detailing Freak Auto restore your headlights to their former glory. Our professional technicians use specialized techniques to remove the yellowing and fogging that can occur over time, improving the clarity and brightness of your headlights. Not only does this enhance the appearance of your vehicle, but it also improves visibility for safer driving. Don't let dim headlights be a hazard on the road – book your headlight restoration service today.

Cancellation Policy

We kindly request that customers book their appointments or reservations when they have the time to do so, ensuring that everyone has fair access to available time slots. Our aim is to accommodate as many customers as possible while maintaining efficiency and quality of service. By booking in advance, you not only secure your preferred time slot but also help us manage our schedule effectively, preventing any inconvenience to other patrons who may be seeking appointments. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to serving you and providing an exceptional experience for all our customers.

Contact Details

  • Detailing Freak

    11518 Frederick Way, Huntley, IL, USA

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